>>>Last Thursday, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs held a hearing on the progress of Wall Street Reform. The hearing featured leaders from seven regulatory agencies and made headlines as Elizabeth Warren’s first chance to grill regulators as a senator. The clearest fiduciary angle, though, comes from the testimony of SEC Chairman Elisse Walter. The InvestmentNews story of the hearing recaps Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.) pressing Ms. Walter on fiduciary rulemaking. The article rightly points out that with nearly 100 mandatory Dodd-Frank rules at hand, progress is slow. Ms. Walter, for her part, expressed her support for fiduciary rulemaking, but also used that ominous word, “harmonize.” Complete testimony and video of the hearing is available on the Senate Banking Committee’s website.
>>>We’ve been following the fine blogging work of Roger Wohlner for a while now. Roger is a long-time friend of fi360 and we regularly feature his work in the “Articles your clients should be reading” section at the bottom of these blog posts, so it is nice to see his work recognized. On Friday, his most recent post for the U.S. News and World Report Smarter Investor Blog, Your 401(k): Good or Lousy?, was picked up for the front page of Yahoo! We hope the result is that many more investors are exposed to Roger’s work, because that can only be a good thing.
You can follow Roger’s writing at the Smarter Investor Blog (where a number of other friends of fi360 are blogging as well) and on his own blog, The Chicago Financial Planner.
Now on to the best of links of the week:
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